Our Tournament
Our Fishing Tournaments are a friendly fishing competition between Living on Island Time and her sister vessel, Southern Comfort IV. All customers are able to participate with no additional charges or entry fees. Yep that’s right, it’s free for all of our wonderful customers to enjoy their proud moment of glory & to boast to all other anglers that they are top dog at the fishing docks.
How does the Tournament work, you ask?
The tournament is broken down into two major deep sea fishing seasons, the first season being Fall/Winter and the second Spring/Summer. During that seasonal time period Captains and Crew member record the largest fish caught within each specie category. The largest fish for each category is only determined by the weight of the fish, sorry guy’s size does not matter here its all about the weight. The largest fish for each category is then posted on the tournament standings board. Find it right outside of the Living on Island Time ticket office.
At the end of each fishing season all current standing winners for each category are awarded Gift Packages that are filled with an assortment of fishing goodies.
All tournament winners are also invited to a private cookout held at the infamous Tiki Hut located at the Palm Beach Yacht Center!!
Contact Us
Living On Island Time
For Driving Directions in Google Maps:
The Palm Beach Yacht Center
7848 S. Federal Highway
Hypoluxo, Florida 33462
Call : (561) 585-4473
All Major Credit Cards Accepted

With a 3.5% Processing Fee